Esther Chapter One

Setting The Scene


| Esther 1 | 

Hello Sweet Friends! 

Welcome to BEHOLD PEACE! Today we are studying Esther chapter one! Last week we were introduced to this Esther study and now we will start reading and studying this wonderful book and woman together! 

| Introducing Esther |

If you have any thoughts or questions to add, please comment down below! This is a community and open discussion and I’d love to hear what YOU think! 

Setting the Scene

We are starting off in Esther 1! 

Chapter one in review: The angry, prideful, rash, hot headed king of Persia throws a lavish party lasting 180 days to show off his power, splendor, and wealth. At the end of the 180 day feast, another week-long feast commences with all the drink one could ever wish to have. Once the king is quite merry with wine, he sends for his final prized possession: his wife, Queen Vashti. The queen refuses to go parade herself among the party of only drunk men. Thus the king’s pride takes a hit and drunkenly he takes the counsel of men and makes a rash decision to banish the queen. Thus ends chapter one.

A lot happens in just this chapter. We see a prideful king have a party to shout out his wealth and at the end of the parting gets humiliated and makes rash decisions while drunk. He is not a perfect king in the slightest, as we will continue to see in chapters two and on through the rest of this story. We see sin, a worldly kingdom, and human corruption. 

I would also like to take a moment to defend Queen Vashti. Why? Because I feel like she can be a hated and villainized character (as done by myself growing up, I just could not understand her. It wasn’t until recently that began to change) and I’d like to give my current view on her and her situation.
Yes, this study is focusing on Esther and so far we haven’t met her, but her story could not have come to pass without this woman. I think that in itself is a wonderful thing. God can and WILL use those in our lives to get up to where we need to go—even people we don’t know, God will use in our lives. I think that is just amazing! 

Defending Queen Vashti

So we know almost nothing about Vashti besides that she was beautiful and the queen, thus the king’s pride possession.

On the seventh day, when the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha and Abagtha, Zethar and Carkas, the seven eunuchs who attended him, to bring Queen Vashti before the king wearing the royal crown, in order to show the peoples and the officials her beauty, for she was fair to behold.

Esther 1:10–11

So far we know of the king that he is prideful, angry, gets drunk often, possessive, and rash…and I can’t help but wonder how he treated Vashti. Remember this is set at a lavish men only party. After the 180 day feast, another week-long feat commenced with all the wine one could wish for.

Drinking was by ordinance without restraint, for the king had given orders to all the officials of his palace to do as each one desired.

Esther 1:8

The men became drunk. The king called on Vashti to come before him and his drunken guests to show off her beauty. Vashti is queen, she is above this treatment. This is humiliating, to parade yourself around drunken men. This was dangerous. Yes, she would be in front of the king but it was a room of men who were not godly and drunk. She could have been hurt or abused. I know I’m only guessing but I can’t help but wonder and want to put myself in her shoes. 

What if I got married and my husband was not a Christian and was hosting a party of men who were all drunk. Then my husband wanted me to show myself to all these drunk men. Thinking this through I think I would have been, one disgusted, and two scared. I wonder if there wasn’t a part of her that was scared too. She had to choose between two fears: coming before drunken men with the possibilities of what could go wrong are endless or the anger of her husband?

But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command conveyed by the eunuchs. At this the king was enraged, and his anger burned within him.

Esther 1:12

Like Vashti, I think I would have refused as well. But in her public refusal, the king is humiliated that she will not come. So, drunken, he makes a decision to banish her, a decision he will later regret. Yes, this is awful, she takes a hit and is banished from her husband (who wasn’t faithful) and demoted from her position. But I wonder, could that have been exactly what she wanted? What if she wanted space away from the king—out of his sight and no longer just a possession? It could definitely be possible. We know so little about her, but I don’t think she should be villainized. 

With this act of defiance, God used to set into place a Queen of his own who would fulfill his work and save his people. God is setting the stage to save his people and place among the place a queen after his own heart. A queen who would save his people. A queen who would fulfill a promise and finish what her ancestors could not. 

Just like the Jews at that time, they needed a Savior. We are the same. God gave us a promise, a promise to save us as he made his people in Esther’s time. Our answer is Jesus. God has sent us His son to save us from death and to fulfill his promises. To save His people. 

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through him.

John 3:16–17

We get to see in Esther a parallel to the gospels. We see a humble queen come to save her people, likewise, God sent Jesus who was humble to save us—but he would save us for all time, for all people, no matter who you were. That is beautiful.

God uses the broken

Something I love about the Bible is that over and over and over again, we see God use broken people to do his work. God is not afraid of your brokenness. If anything, it makes you a greater tool for Him to make a beautiful, hopeful and redeeming story. God can use you just where you are even in your brokenness. You just have to be open to Him and His plan for you. 

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

In this story, God uses Vashti’s defiance and the king’s anger and drunkenness to set the scene and move things into place to set up His anointed queen. A queen who would be of Him, a queen who would follow and listen to God’s voice even when the whole world around her could not. Maybe that’s why God’s name isn’t mentioned once in this book (like we talked about last week). Maybe His name wasn’t mentioned so when we read the story, it would be like from the outside, like what it would have looked like to the Persians and the unbelievers. Because there is a difference when we follow God and when we do not. 

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

With a relationship with God our world view changes. No longer are we of this world but of something far greater. We are of God’s kingdom, a perfect kingdom that will last forever, an upside-down kingdom nothing like the world. A kingdom of love, self-sacrifice, self-control, PEACE, hope, and joy, an absolutely perfect kingdom. Before we get to that kingdom, we live here. But here we get new eyes to see through, a new heart to love all people with, a new mind to understand things like the Bible and to build a relationship with God (things people without a relationship with God may not understand, and do not have because it is God who gives these things and no one else). 

I like to think that Esther, God’s set queen for this story, was like that. A girl who was one of God’s people, a girl who followed his ways, a humble girl, a girl who God gave wisdom, a girl who trusted God with her life. She is about to be tested in this, really, the next few years of her life will be tested but God would be there through it all with her setting the stage. 

do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you; I will help you;
    I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

No matter where you are in life, God can and will use you. Next week we will learn a little more about Esther. We will read how she was a Jew (something almost outcast in the place she lived), she was an orphan at a young age, she was adopted by her cousin, and her entire life was about to be radically changed. God used her just where she was to put her in a place to not only save His people but to fulfill His work He started with her ancestors. It’s quite marvelous when you think about it. 

It makes me excited to see how God will use each and every one of us!

An Ending Note 

Thank you all for coming and being a part of this Bible Study! I can’t wait to dive deeper into Esther’s story with all of you! Come back next Monday for the next installment of this study! We will be going through CHAPTER TWO! See you all soon! 

Remember this is a community of believers coming together to study God’s Word. Please comment and add your own thoughts to this discussion. I would love to hear what you think of Esther chapter one! What are your views on Vashti? Are you excited to see God moving and at work in YOUR life? 

Also, if you have a prayer request, please let us know! I would love to pray for you! If you want to keep your prayer more private, go to the Connect page and fill out the connect form with the prayer request. 

Love, Moriyah 

76 responses to “Esther Chapter One”

  1. Great study!
    You bring up some very interesting points about Vashti. Personally, I feel like although it must have been degrading to be paraded about as a trophy rather than a wife, she didn’t fulfill her responsibility to the king by disobeying him, and that was wrong.
    However, this situation makes me so grateful that women have so much more choice now, and that they don’t have to be married to cruel people who mistreat them and don’t give them the respect they deserve.
    This chapter really does set the scene for the entire story of Esther, who does accept her place, even though it may have been embarassing to her and degrading.
    Thanks so much for sharing! I really enjoyed reading this post and studying this chapter!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Erin!
      That is true. Vashti did disobey her husband and king and that was wrong of her. All the people were to obey the king and she did overstep that mark.
      Me too!! I’m so thankful that we do live in a time where we as women do have more choice. We can marry good godly men who will honor and respect us and listen to our voice and we will listen to theirs. A part of me does wish that the king was good and that he and Vashti could have just talked it out together (but then we wouldn’t have this beautiful story). I am thankful this is the time we live in even just for that choice.
      It really does set up the whole scene! It is cool seeing the difference between the two queens and seeing how they use their voice. I can’t wait to keep studying with you!
      Aww! Thank YOU for sharing! I love hearing your thoughts and opinions on this story! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading this post & chapter! Thank you so much for studying with me!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes! I totally agree! I’m so grateful that God placed me in the place He did, because it is so amazing! I’m so glad I don’t live in another time (even though the 50s sound pretty awesome, hehe!).
        I can’t wait to get to Esther! She is so amazing, and she handles it so well. I get excited just thinking about what she’s going to do!
        I am LOVING this study! I got to do a little Bible journaling this week, but I’d like to do some more today!
        Have you been reading anywhere else in the Bible this week?

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        1. Yes!!! I’m so thankful for that! I don’t think I could have made it in any other time. It just shows that God has a plan and will place you exactly where you are supposed to be (even what time and place you are supposed to be in)! Hehe, yes! That does sound pretty awesome (or anytime with ball gowns 😂)!
          Eek! Me too! I’m so excited to finally get to Esther! She really is so amazing and your right, she does handle to who situation so beautifully and humbly! I love who she is and the strength of character she shows throughout her story!
          AHH!! Oh I’m so happy to hear that! 😍
          Eek! That’s so exciting! I love Bible journaling!
          I read Ecclesiastes and then I just started Hebrews! I like to sometimes go between the old and new testaments! What about you? Have you read anywhere else in the Bible this week?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ooh, ball gowns are pretty!!!😍👗
            I’ve decided that I want to be more like Esther. Maybe that should be my new motto, or something. She is so strong and full of grace. She is one of my role models (I should make a list of those!).
            I’ve been reading in Acts, John, and then I had been reading some in Joshua because I was reading A Light on the Hill and researching the cities of refuge. Oh, and I’m always reading in Psalms, hehe!

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            1. Yesss!!! I LOVE ball gowns! 😍👗 I do wish balls still happened, but oh well.
              Ahh! That makes me so happy that Esther is a role model of yours!!! 💛 She is the perfect role model! She is humble, strong, trusts in God in everything, is full of Grace and humility and…ah I love her! Her faith and trust in God (for that is how I always saw it as) always encouraged me! Yes!!! That would be amazing to make a list of role models (I need to do that too)!
              Ooo!! I love that! Yes!!! The Psalms are always such a comfort to me! Whenever I’m feeling stressed, fearful, or just in need of encouragement and strength I always find myself going back to the Psalms! They have all made such an impact in my life! ☺️🙌🏻 What are some of your favorite Psalms?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Why did people stop doing balls? They’re so pretty! I always love that scene in the 2015 Cinderella… you know the one…(
                Ahh, I love that dress!
                Yes, now I’m going to start working on my list of role models! You’ve inspired me!
                My favorite Psalm is probably Psalm 100, because God just sort of gave me that Psalm when I really needed it, so it will always hold a special spot in my heart! What are some of your favorite Psalms?

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I don’t know!! I so wish they kept doing it. It would be fun to one day throw a ball were we can dress up in pretty ball gowns!
                  AHHH!!! I LOVE that dress! That’s like my favorite ball gown ever! Like can there be a white version of the dress that I can wear for my wedding one day?
                  Yayyy!!! That will be so fun!
                  Aww! I love that Erin! That’s so special!
                  I have so many favorites but the ones that most come to mind right now are Psalm 138–139! Those two were really important to me a few years ago when my family was moving a lot in a year. I just read those two verses over and over and over again and always found comfort in their words. I think 139 is my favorite (if I’m just picking one because it always resurfaces in my life and is the most impactful to me).
                  Well that was a very long ramble, hehe. Thanks for sharing your favorite and reading mine!

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Ahh, yes! It is the perfect wedding dress! I’ll wear it in blue if I get all the pretty layers!!!
                    That is amazing! Isn’t it remarkable how God always gives us the chapters we need when we need them? He is so good!!!

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                    1. YESS!! It really is! 😍 That would be so beautiful no matter what color it is!
                      YESSS!!! 🙌🏻💛 It’s so incredible and I’m so thankful God does that!! He is SO GOOD!!! 🙌🏻 There really is no one and nothing that compares to God and what He does! I’m so grateful!

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                    2. Amen!!! 🙏
                      Totally unrelated, what song are you enjoying most right now?

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                    3. 🙏🏻🙌🏻
                      That’s hard. I love listening to soundtracks so my favorite of those is “Fairytale” by Martin Phipps. A worship song I’ve been loving is “The Dove” by Kari Jobe! And…there are others but I’ll say these two right now! 🎶💛 What about you? What song are you enjoying most right now?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Right now, I’ve been enjoying ‘It’s Always Been You’ by Phil Wickham and ‘Gratitude’ by Brandon Lake. Ooh, and ‘In Jesus’ Name (God of Possible)’ by Katy Nichole. It’s hard, though! I’m enjoying so many songs, hehe!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    5. Ooo!!! I love ‘It’s always been you’!! That’s such a good song!! I love the lines:

                      “You are the voice that calms the storm inside of me
                      Castle walls that stand around me
                      All this time, my guardian was You”

                      Ahh, it’s so good! 😍
                      I know!!! There are so many good songs! It’s so hard to just pick one (or a few)! 😂🎶

                      Liked by 1 person

                    6. I love that song!!!
                      Yes, I love those lyrics!!! I sing them all the time!!!

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                    7. Yesss!!! I love the lyrics so much! I always feel emotional listening/singing this song! It’s so good! ☺️🎶
                      What is a song/songs you love to sing?

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                    8. So… I like singing loud, and I like singing songs that make me feel emotional and remind me of God’s love, so I usually sing outside, hehe! Somehow, it’s easier to focus on the song (that probably sounds weird, but I don’t know how to put it).
                      I really like singing What a Beautiful Name, It’s Always Been You, King of Kings, Hey Girl, I Still Believe, and Tremble (I like the Phil Wickham cover).
                      What do you like singing?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    9. I love that! Outside is the perfect place to sing! Out in God’s creation and singing to Him! 🙌🏻 That makes total sense!
                      Ooo!!! Those are all such beautiful songs! I love What A Beautiful Name! When my parents used to lead singing years ago, that was always my favorite that my mom would sing every Sunday! I have such fond memories of that song! ☺️💛
                      I love to sing Oceans (where feet may fail), It’s always been you, Forever, and Amen (the simple gospel) by Kari Jobe, and recently La Vie En Rose (though that isn’t a worship song)! I think I sing best in the quiet or with my baby (toddler) brother. In both cases I can just focus on the song best (alone it’s only God and with my brother it’s calming him down). Or with my whole family singing together! So, yah, that’s what I like to sing!
                      This is so fun chatting about the songs we are liking and love to sing! 🎶💛

                      Liked by 1 person

                    10. Yes! This is so much fun! I didn’t know that you had a toddler brother! And you sing to him? That’s so cute!
                      And, those are beautiful songs! It’s really cool that your parents lead singing. That’s really neat!
                      Oceans is one of my favorite songs (I really like Hillsong UNITED and Taya), and I like La Vie En Rose (I’m almost finished with High School French, so… yay!).

                      Liked by 1 person

                    11. Yes!!! He is actually what got me back into singing again! I used to love singing when I was little but then stopped. He got me to sing again because when he was a baby that was one of the only ways I could help calm him down or get him to nap! ☺️🎶💛 I’m very thankful for him!
                      Yes!! Oceans was always my favorite song to sing!
                      Ahh!! That’s awesome!! I did French too (though it didn’t really stick 😅)! I actually bought a French version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis! I need to try reading it again! 💛

                      Liked by 1 person

                    12. THEY SELL A FRENCH NARNIA??? That’s so exciting! I have to look for that somewhere! I think that I’m going to start taking Spanish in about a month, too, because I think that will be more useful.
                      That’s so cool about your baby brother! That bond between you will only grow as he does! Time invested with little siblings is always worthwhile!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    13. YESSS!!! I found a copy on thrift books and had to get it! Spanish is more useful. I have some family (one of my aunts and two cousins) who are Spanish so that would have been smarter for me to learn but I LOVE anything that has to do with France!
                      Yes! I couldn’t agree more! Sibling bonds are so special (I love it whenever it’s shown in books too)! I love all my relationships with my siblings! ☺️💛

                      Liked by 1 person

                    14. Siblings are amazing! I love all my siblings so much, and I thank God for them!
                      That’s cool that your aunts and cousins are Spanish! I feel the same way about France. I think what convinced me to learn French was watching the 90s Three Musketeers. I don’t know why I like that movie so much, but I do, hehe!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    15. YESSS!!! Siblings are the best!!
                      Aww!! I love that! 💛 I’m so thankful God gave us siblings!
                      Ahh! That’s so fun! I’m not sure what got me into wanting to learn French. I have just always loved it! I think it may have come from the stories my dad would tell me from when he went to France on a school/mission trip!
                      Ooo! I think I watched that movie with my dad years ago. I really need to watch it again!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    16. Yes! I really enjoy that movie!
                      Your dad went to France on a mission trip? That’s so cool, Moriyah!
                      (Also, I’m kind of curious, is your nickname ‘Riyah?’ I was just thinking about it, and I was kind of curious, hehe!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    17. I’m so glad! I have to check it out!
                      Yes!!! It is so cool! He went to Europe for Bible college and that was one of his mission trip stops! I think it would be really cool to be in a program like that!
                      Yes! It is! Though I have lots of nicknames so any nickname works, hehe! You can call me ‘Riyah’ if you want or my name or a new nickname! 😂💛 I don’t mind!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    18. That’s amazing! I would love to go on a mission trip!
                      Cool! I just wasn’t sure! I don’t know any nicknames for Erin besides for ‘Er’, haha! Thanks for letting me know!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    19. Me too!!! That’s one of my big dreams alongside adoption! 💛
                      Haha! I can’t think of any either (unless you do ‘E’ or ‘Er’ like you said). You’re welcome!!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    20. Ah, yes, adoption!!!😍
                      I love reading adoption books and hearing about adoption! It just touches my heart!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    21. Yes!!! 😍💛
                      Same! Whenever it comes up in books or I hear about someone adopting it just melts my heart (and makes me feel stronger in my desire to adopt)! I love that it touches your heart too! ☺️💛

                      Liked by 1 person

                    22. Yes!!! It’s one of those things where I can melt into a crying mess just thinking about those poor kids for too long!!!🥹

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                    23. Yesss!!! 😍😭 Same! Anytime I talk about it or my family does, I always end up in tears. They (children) are so important to me and it’s hard to fathom that there are children without love and families who get hurt and neglected. It just makes me want to cry 😭

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                    24. I’m in total agreement with you! (It feels like we’re in agreement on a lot of things, hehe!) We must be very alike!!!

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                    25. Yes it does! I think we must be very alike (at least our hearts are)! I love that! I love how God can bring people into our lives that have similar desires and thoughts to encourage us and be friends with us! I’m amazed by all God does and all the wonderful people and friends He has brought into my life! It’s been so encouraging meeting people with similar desires for adoption and missions! It makes me grateful and think maybe just maybe we can change the world a bit. I think our desires, these ones for being mothers to the motherless and sharing the good news, can change the world for the better bit by bit. I’m so thankful to God for that!
                      Anyways…that was my little ramble. XD

                      Liked by 1 person

                    26. Those are great thoughts, Moriyah! Beautifully put!
                      I believe that if everyone just believes that we really CAN do all things through Christ, He will use us to change this world for the better and win souls for Him! I completely agree!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    27. Aww! Thank you so much!!! 💛
                      I love how you put that! I completely agree with you! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, so why couldn’t He use us to change the world and bring more people to heaven? If we truly trust in Him and believe in those words I don’t see how we couldn’t through Him do exactly that. I love how you put it!!!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    28. Thanks! I love talking about that, hehe! 😉

                      Liked by 1 person

                    29. You’re welcome!!
                      Me too!! ☺️💛 This is one of the topics I’m passionate about so I can talk about it for hours! 😉

                      Liked by 1 person

                    30. Haha! I feel the same way!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    31. Aww! I love that!!! 💛

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                    32. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
                      Madisen Lundquist

                      Not me tearing up reading your guys conversation🥹💛
                      You guys have such beautiful hearts😭🙌🏻

                      Liked by 2 people

                    33. Ahh, thanks, Madisen! That’s really sweet! 🥹

                      Liked by 2 people

                    34. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
                      Madisen Lundquist

                      Of course!💛 I honestly kinda felt a bit stalkerish reading your conversation, but it was such a blessing🙌🏻😭🫶🏻

                      Liked by 2 people

                    35. I’m glad it was a blessing!

                      Liked by 2 people

                    36. Aww! 💛 That’s alright (I do the same thing, lol)! I’m so glad it was a blessing!!! 😭🙌🏻💛

                      Liked by 2 people

                    37. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
                      Madisen Lundquist

                      Of course!😭🙌🏻💛😅

                      Liked by 2 people

                    38. 💛😭🙌🏻😍


                    39. Aww, Madi!!! 😍😭 Thank you so much sweet friend!! 😭🙌🏻

                      Liked by 2 people

                    40. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
                      Madisen Lundquist

                      Rin could be a nickname🤔💛

                      Liked by 2 people

                    41. Ooh, I like it! Maybe that should be my online pseudonym nickname, hehe! Thanks, Madisen!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    42. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
                      Madisen Lundquist

                      Haha, of course!!🫶🏻

                      Liked by 2 people

                    43. Ooo!! I like Rin!!! That’s a really good nickname! 😃💛

                      Liked by 2 people

  2. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
    Madisen Lundquist

    I have never really thought about Vashti being scared. I, like you, grew up seeing her as a bad guy & a feminist who wanted to show to all her lady friends that she didn’t have to obey her husband, the king. But the way you put it, about her being scared, totally made me rethink her side of the story. Now that I think about & with reading chapter 1 from more of Vashti’s perspective, I myself would have probably reacted in a similar way. What also comes to mind is all the ladies with her where probably hyping her up to go to the king & his drunk friends to show off her beauty. What courage she must have had to not give in to all the pure pressure of all the people.
    Now I don’t really want to make excuses for her, if that makes sense, but I do have a new respect for Vashti & what her side of the story might have been.

    Anyways, those are some of my thoughts 🙂 I can’t wait to read everyone’s thoughts on Chapter 1 & I can’t wait for next weeks reading & learning more about the story of Esther!
    & thanks Riyah, for doing this & leading us through Esther!!😘📖🙌🏻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same! I never thought of her side of the story until now. I too always thought she just wasn’t a very good person and how wrong it was for her to not obey the king. It was still wrong she didn’t obey but now I see it in a new light.
      Oh my goodness!! I never thought of that! I think you’re right! She was throwing her own party and it wouldn’t have been acceptable or even a common thing to disobey the king. The other women could have been cheering her on to go to the king and that would make her refusal stronger. She would have had to had such strong convictions to say no to the king and no to the other women who could have been her friends. I wonder how much she lost in all this? She *i think* was still taken care of but it was away from everyone and everything she ever knew. I wonder what that was like for her.
      That makes sense. We don’t really know her so we can only guess. I don’t want to make excuses for her either but I’d like to try and see all sides of the story.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!! I love hearing what you think of this story (and Vashti)! Yes!! I can’t wait to see what everyone else thinks and to keep reading this story with you! I’m really loving this study!
      Aww! 🥰 You’re welcome Madi! Thank you for reading and commenting! 😘💛

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Yes, that must have been terrifying! King Ahasuerus is really not a favorite character of mine! 🫤 He sure doesn’t seem like a very good husband… or king, for that matter.

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      1. I agree! That must have been terrifying no matter what way you see it. Right now the King reminds me a lot of the evil old men from Melanie Dickerson’s books (the ones who are always trying to marry the sweet young girl). That’s just all I can think of at the moment, hehe.
        No he doesn’t. Aren’t you so glad God is our King? He is greatest, most perfect, loving, and kind king imaginable and He is ours!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Haha! I actually started laughing when I read that, because you’re so right! It’s just like the gross old man in Melanie Dickerson books! That’s so funny!
          Yay for our God who always makes a way and looks out for us even when we don’t know what we actually need, hehe!

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          1. Haha! Right?! 😂 It totally is!
            Amen! 🙏🏻🙌🏻 Yay for our God and King! I am so glad He has a plan and is always there for us and looking after us! He is always there for us in every situation! It’s incredible and I’m so grateful! 😍

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            1. I need to work on appreciating everything He has given to me, because He is so good!

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              1. Yes!!! I think that is really good for all of us to remember! He is so good and it makes good practice to remember all He has done for us so we don’t forget all the good He has done and the prayers He has answered!

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              2. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
                Madisen Lundquist


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        2. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
          Madisen Lundquist

          I’m not a big fan of the king either.
          Oh my word, yessss Riyah!! He’s totally giving evil old men from Melanie Dickerson’s books🤭💯
          Yesssss!! I’m soooo thankful that we serve a perfect, loving & forgiving King who won’t send us out of His presence!!🙌🏻😭

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          1. Yessss!! He really does give those vibes. 🤭😄
            YES!!!! 🙌🏻😭💛 We serve the greatest King of all!!! I love (comparing God to Ahasuerus *i think i spelled that right*) that we also don’t have to fear or ask permission to go to God. He made a way with Jesus and now we can go to Him without fear anytime we want! It’s truly incredible and such a blessing! 🙌🏻

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            1. Madisen Lundquist Avatar
              Madisen Lundquist

              So very thankful for such an AMAZING God!!🙌🏻😭💛

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              1. YESSS!!! 😍🙌🏻😭 Forever and always I will be thankful for Him!!!

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  3. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  4. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  5. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  6. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  7. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  8. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  9. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


  10. […] week two, we went through chapter one and watched the story being set up and talked about how God uses the broken and uses the people in […]


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